VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Don't Eat Coffee Berries

Look what I brought home!  Maybe more for my resume - I plan to dry the beans and then roast them.
OK, to be honest, I picked about 5 or 6 - he picked the rest.

One of my H.M. has been bugging me to go to a local coffee plantation with him for ages. I had some time this morning so off we went in his car to check it out.  Before I go further - don't eat a coffee berry unless you want to feel like it must feel like after ingesting crystal meth or crack cocaine.  Now hours ago ingested and I still feel like I cannot come back down to earth.  Not a nice feeling. He ate a handful. I ate one.
The HM explains to the gatekeeper why we are here.

Not quite ready to pick. A few more weeks of ripening

These brownish red ones are ready

Here is what it looks like at the plantation. The short stubby trees are the coffee trees

We picked these.
Apparently, this plantation was abandoned by the owners when they discovered they could make a lot more money with a palm oil plantation than coffee beans.  Anyone can go and pick, dry, and roast their beans, if they are willing to possibly meet up with mr. snake in the bushes.

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