There is nothing to report. It's hot. There are insane drivers. Vacation begins soon. And maybe, just maybe, the firecrackers will stop. I am counting on the lighters of the crackers will head to their home villages to enjoy their family time. Hopefully they will take all the firecrackers with them. My own neighbourhood is too small and too new to have people come home to. It has not been around long enough.
As for Ramadan people. My buddy - a colleague also observes the fast. He is getting so goofy; we were discussing the video that I will be showing our professional development crew and he mentioned that I really must give it an introduction this time. Not sure what he meant, I asked the question. The poor guy has lost his memory or something that gets lost when you dont drink water. He was convinced that I had shown another video to a certain group a few weeks ago - and that I did not introduce it, leaving them all unclear of what the message was. I never showed the video. There was not enough time. And so that is what serious dehydration does to a person.
from the last few days in Canada and forward, you can join me in my thoughts and actions as I learn how to live in a country that I had not even known the exact location until Ryan was there a few years ago. Some days I have rants and other days I have adventures, but every day is a learning experience that I embrace and thank God I was given the opportunity to know and to be. I might even upload a picture of me in this place I now call home – for now.

VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
If You Teach English and Read This Blog....
I found another incredible speaker on the subject of learning. He did not necessarily focus on English as a second language, but the countries where he was doing his research were not English speaking. Like myself, he went into a classroom in a country where the students could not speak English, and he sent their teacher away for a while. He and the students did not have a common language. By only writing a question on the board, in English, he was able to get the answers from the students. How? Technology. Other than the students and the speaker in the classroom, the students had enough computers in the room to work in teams. The important factor was the students had to work in teams; not individually. These students do like I do when I do not know a word. They google translate the question and then do a google search for the answer. Working in groups, these students came to the understanding of what a child of that age should not logically understand. But, returning to them a year later and testing without computer assistance, these students scored just as high as they did on the initial test a year ago, with computer assistance. Conclusion? Team work and technology are valuable tools in learning. But even more; team work is what causes the retention because the questions and answers are discussed among the group. This method allows the learners to retain what they are exposed to when they are collaborating.
How kids teach themselves
How kids teach themselves
Monday, July 29, 2013
Energy and Other People
I thought I was so wise. I distanced myself from those who I discovered were grabbing my own energy and handing over theirs to me. It happens. Once I moved away from it I felt much better. Maybe I am saying all this gibber in a new age kind of way, but whatever way you say it, people suck the energy right out of you if you let them.
So, why now am I talking about it? Because I am feeling like I have run three marathons these days. Believe me, I didn't. But the slow motion of those around me, barely able to talk a full sentence is rubbing off on me. I really need to get a grip on this. I really must realize that I am not exhausted, and move on. Only one more week of this. I can do it. And so can they.

Another Sign
The Dead Horse Theory - 67
As I prepare to return to my home country, I consider all options available to me there. This one crossed my desktop. As I come from a land of opportunity, maybe this is where I should be looking. I have had a great deal of experience in points made in numbers 4, 5 & 6 as I have been working with government for a few years.
The tribal wisdom of the Plains Indians, passed
on from generation to generation, says that:
"When you discover that you are riding a
dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount."
However, in government more advanced strategies
are often employed, such as:
1. Buying a stronger whip.
2. Changing riders.
3. Appointing a committee to study the horse.
4. Arranging to visit other countries to see how
other cultures ride dead horses.
5. Lowering the standards so that dead horses can
be included.
6. Reclassifying the dead horse as living-impaired.
7. Hiring outside contractors to ride the dead
8. Harnessing several dead horses together to
increase speed.
9. Providing additional funding and/or training
to increase the dead horse's performance.
10. Doing a productivity study to see if lighter
riders would improve the dead horse's performance.
11. Declaring that as the dead horse does not
have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overhead and therefore
contributes substantially more to the bottom line of the economy than do some
other horses.
12. Rewriting the expected performance
requirements for all horses.
And, of course...
13, Promoting the dead horse to a
supervisory position.
All the above are logical reasons why we still
have a Canadian Senate.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Lets Call it 68
So, to give you an idea of what ramadan looks like over here, other than food stalls, have a look.
The word SEWA means RENTAL. There are little pockets of amusement centres that pop up wherever there is room. Kind of like a midway attraction at a fair. Sadly, I never see anyone using the services. Guess the food stalls override amusement.
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You have choices for the rental equipment |
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Knock something over and win a stuffed animal |
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Fleet of little car car's that look better than what we drive |
Deepak Chopra - How to Know God
I read that book a number of years ago, but last night I was able to buy a purple disc of the movie, with Deepak narrating the story. It was a powerful message in the book, and just as powerful in the video. I love how he manages to explain God through the mind of a physicist. However, this purple disc, which is what you get to buy over here is a pirate copy of some original. There is no other option. And the silly clowns who make these purple discs tend to add English text over every English movie. The biggest problem with that extra service is that the writer is not a master of English.
I apologize Deepak. I howled with laughter all the way through the bloody thing. The best line typed?
He was painting a picture of quantum physics to the viewer, and told us to think of looking at the night sky. He said, 'the next time you look at a star or a garlic seed'........
garlic seed? then I realized the typist missed the word 'galaxy'
The entire video was just as funny. I am going to have to place duct tape over the words, they distract me too much. And there is no option to turn off the words.
I apologize Deepak. I howled with laughter all the way through the bloody thing. The best line typed?
He was painting a picture of quantum physics to the viewer, and told us to think of looking at the night sky. He said, 'the next time you look at a star or a garlic seed'........
garlic seed? then I realized the typist missed the word 'galaxy'
The entire video was just as funny. I am going to have to place duct tape over the words, they distract me too much. And there is no option to turn off the words.
KiKi Blew me off and other drivel
I really should have known. Driving downtown today was a nightmare. Everyone in this city was either downtown or trying hard to the be next one there. I fell into the category of 'ok please push me aside, you really need to be there'. Then, once I got there, I discovered that Kiki did not have any staff working, and she was slammed. That meant no hair wash for me. So, gathering up my energy to face the throngs who would mistakenly think I was trying to get ahead of them, I began my journey home. But first, a photo to give you an idea of what fasting looks like over here. I am convinced that they interpret the word fasting to mean be first in line and be fast. This line up of cars driving left are all waiting to get into the parking lot that services those marquees. Fat chance gang. Those marquees are in the parking lot.For that reason, I will be mangoless this week. No way was I going to vie for a spot, and that is where I buy my mangos. I just did not have the strength to go into the downtown again to take more interesting photos. I was on those jalans last week and I thought I would have to send out a search party for me to get out of there. I admit, Christmas Eve in North America can be a gong show for traffic. But that is one day. This frantic shopping goes on for over a month. I am sure you can guess what the marquees house. Food, all sorts of fried, sugared, and friend and sugared anything. And when the bell rings, they stalls are swamped.
BTW, I cheated on KiKi, I found another delightful place for the weekly hair wash. Closer to home, and every bit as good.
BTW, I cheated on KiKi, I found another delightful place for the weekly hair wash. Closer to home, and every bit as good.
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I wonder if anyone here has ever considered what an oxymoron this whole process is? |
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Yikes and More Yikes - Frannie got a B+
Well, the blanket e-mail worked. I opened my inbox and found one professor's reply that my mark has been posted. I looked at the other course and discovered that professor had also posted my mark. BUT, my perfect grades have been marred. I only got a B+ on my research methodology. What really amazes me is that I have been doing the form of research that I was tested on in this paper ever since I have been in the country. I know what I am talking about, but somehow this person thinks I do not.
Oh well, the other two current courses are A's so I cannot complain. Regarding the research course, the professor seems to think that although I made some good points, the demonstration of understanding has not been made. Right. Maybe I should send them my published work. I know that I know, so I guess that is enough for me.
Oh well, the other two current courses are A's so I cannot complain. Regarding the research course, the professor seems to think that although I made some good points, the demonstration of understanding has not been made. Right. Maybe I should send them my published work. I know that I know, so I guess that is enough for me.
Friday, July 26, 2013
This is Funny
I look for any excuse to take a break from cleaning and purging this household I have created. I thought I should check my iPad just in case someone sent me a very important message on a Saturday. No important messages. A copy of a message that I sent to the university asking yet again was in my inbox of my iPad. I thought that was odd, because I sent it to the university, not myself. I had grabbed a message from some professor in my inbox on the computer, and replied 'to all' asking when I could possibly see my grades for the assignments. When I saw this message on the iPad, it had a list of cc's longer than the page could display. Seems I cc's a message to students, faculty, and anyone else affiliated with the university. Do you think I will get someone's attention? Hope so. I might have even managed to make some professors get busy and do their job - especially before hari raya, which will bring the whole country to a full stop. Once that happens, it will be like talking into an empty box when I try to contact anyone at the university. Or anywhere in the country
This will likely be the reply, if I get one at all.
This will likely be the reply, if I get one at all.

Friday Night Blackberry Pickers
I just received a photo from my daughter. Her youngest child, only 2 wanted to join the gang outside the yard. Mom said no, and there were tears. It turns out the gang had spied a blackberry bush dripping with plump, juicy berries just waiting for the little hands to claim them.
now in the 60's

I see that the video has had a large number of views. Wouldn't it be hilarious if a video from a little school in the backwoods (jungles) of Malaysia became viral? On the first day it had 1000+ views. The teachers who produced the video were happy to allow it to be public. All others here are unlisted, so this one has definitely increased readership on the blog.
This is not getting work done, so better give in.
What will I miss? Mangos - yes, and pineapples too. I have never loved pineapples before arriving here. But these little gems are not acidic, completely edible (including the core) and sweet as a candy.
What will I not miss? I can't think of anything specific right now, but know there is a long list.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Driving 101 - a needed lesson
Maybe I have just learned something new. Apparently, there are three traffic lanes in intermittent areas of the highway that I use. One of the lanes tends to be partially in dirt (the one I use), but that does not seem to bother those who are convinced that there is a new centre lane whenever they need one. I have never driven in one of these new centre lanes. I guess you have to feel competitive in order to qualify for that lane. Or insane. I also learned something new yesterday. Apparently, those semis - known as lorries here - have an unwritten rule of the road. I came upon one a couple of days ago that had decided to do a U-turn on the highway, at a curve, so that those of us coming around the curve in 2 or 3 lanes, depending on the drivers, met some jackass taking up all 2 or 3 lanes in kind of a jacknife posture. Were we going to hit him? Not if we wanted to live. What I have been told is these charming drivers have a very low income. They cannot stop if they cause a collision (known here as an accident) because they have no money to pay their deductible. They also have a tight schedule as Hari Raya approaches to get all that food to the starving fasters, because once Hari Raya begins, they are apparently banned from the roadways for the week. Their other motto is I'm big, so I win. You cannot disagree with that one. Maybe none of this would need to be talked about if there was some urban planning, on and off ramps for turning around, and driver education to understand that white dotted lines are not sources of fuel for the car, or decoration to entertain drivers. I am home, and glad I am. I finished early today for once. Now I can see what it looks like in the 'hood before late afternoon - something my neighbour sees on a daily basis. Well, maybe not. She is probably still sawing logs.
Now housecleaning and hit the books.
Now housecleaning and hit the books.
TGIF - I think it is 70 now
Need I say more? Friday did not come too soon. Tons of work to do on my own assignments, serious housecleaning waiting for me, drop off of laundry, and that 'dreaded' hair wash. The hair wash is the carrot I extend to myself as an incentive to get all the other things done. But first, a day with year 2 students and bribes to get them to behave. It worked with others; it will work with them. Besides, I have a batch of trinkets I need to unload before I leave. Today's rewards will be pencils and oil pastels.
Something I have to do is figure out a way to get the grounds maintenance people to actually do their work. They come clad in rubber overalls, masks, hats et al, and swing their whipper snipper at the odd blade of grass. They have become so slothish, that you don't even know they have come and gone, except for the mess they leave behind. They shoot pebbles (because they never leave the concrete areas) and dirt into my patio and at me if I am in line. Nothing like getting a cinder in your eye. I had to buy clippers and trim up my property myself. Who the heck is going to do this when I am gone? I piled up the clippings I collected and these rocket scientists walk and sweep around the pile. The trash men, stroll past the pile. I finally had to purchase a new trash can and bagged it all, in hopes the trash collectors will actually take it away. We will see. I wonder if I can submit an invoice for grounds maintenance? On the bright side - I have a hibiscus tree the size of a mighty oak. Laden with brilliant red flowers every day. I can go home. I have accomplished tree growing. Not really a big feat in a climate that grows anything that lands on any kind of soil. I bought the little thing as a tiny twig two years ago. However, I have been told that when you clip a branch from these trees you can stick that branch in the ground and it will become a tree. So, I guess I really did not do anything worthy of writing here. My little curry leaf tree has developed some kind of cluster crown on the top. I am not sure what that means, but I am leaning toward it loving where it lives and beginning a growth spurt to match the hibiscus.
Something I have to do is figure out a way to get the grounds maintenance people to actually do their work. They come clad in rubber overalls, masks, hats et al, and swing their whipper snipper at the odd blade of grass. They have become so slothish, that you don't even know they have come and gone, except for the mess they leave behind. They shoot pebbles (because they never leave the concrete areas) and dirt into my patio and at me if I am in line. Nothing like getting a cinder in your eye. I had to buy clippers and trim up my property myself. Who the heck is going to do this when I am gone? I piled up the clippings I collected and these rocket scientists walk and sweep around the pile. The trash men, stroll past the pile. I finally had to purchase a new trash can and bagged it all, in hopes the trash collectors will actually take it away. We will see. I wonder if I can submit an invoice for grounds maintenance? On the bright side - I have a hibiscus tree the size of a mighty oak. Laden with brilliant red flowers every day. I can go home. I have accomplished tree growing. Not really a big feat in a climate that grows anything that lands on any kind of soil. I bought the little thing as a tiny twig two years ago. However, I have been told that when you clip a branch from these trees you can stick that branch in the ground and it will become a tree. So, I guess I really did not do anything worthy of writing here. My little curry leaf tree has developed some kind of cluster crown on the top. I am not sure what that means, but I am leaning toward it loving where it lives and beginning a growth spurt to match the hibiscus.
Things I Will Miss
Ryan introduced me to coconut milkshakes in Koh Samui. I really need to go back there. Maybe I will on my break. It is the last chance to go anywhere for me before I head home, so better make a good choice. That was the day I discovered that rum is actually palatable if you bury it in one of these milkshakes. I have since discovered that although the local coconuts tend to be harvested at full size and not as yummy as the Thai version, they make a fine milkshake. Virgin. I can buy whole carved out coconuts with the water encapsulated in the ball of coconut for about RM5. I was putting them into my mango smoothies but realized that they are a refreshing treat at the end of the day on their own if I sprinkle a generous splotch of cinnamon and squeeze of manuka honey, and then blend the heck out of the entire thing with about a dozen ice cubes. I probably wont find a whole ball of fresh coconut in Vancouver. Right?
But I still wont miss the drivers....
But I still wont miss the drivers....
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I think it is 71
I am losing track of how many days left. Does that mean I am too busy? Or does it mean I am demonstrating yet again that I cannot do anything concerning math? Doesn't matter. Yesterday I had an enjoyable journey home using my backroads route until I had to eventually join the highway dolts. It got to see more of real Malaysia doing this. Driving through residential areas, I really see the place I have called home for three years, and frankly, I like this chapter. And big bonus, I drive past that yummy place to eat and pick up takeout on that route.
Not to bore you, but, here is a picture of the beautiful batik the teachers gave me. I am not a scarf person, but this one actually looks like it belongs on me. The right length, and all else does not look like I have tried to commit suicide by hanging myself; which is how scarves usually look when I wear them.
Not to bore you, but, here is a picture of the beautiful batik the teachers gave me. I am not a scarf person, but this one actually looks like it belongs on me. The right length, and all else does not look like I have tried to commit suicide by hanging myself; which is how scarves usually look when I wear them.
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Look how tall I am! I have to come home and be short again :( |
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Poor little girl - getting help from me. She probably was fine without my help considering the goofy expression on my face. |
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I Had A Dream
I did have a dream, and apparently so did many others. Maybe this post title should be We Had a Dream. I was taken to lunch by the teachers of a school where I did a special project. They ordered everything because I wanted local cuisine, and knew I would love it. We were at a Chinese Restaurant. I even found a back road to the place, and completely enjoyed the trip, avoiding the nutbar drivers on the highway.
I got home and turned on my computer and sat for over an hour looking at the pictures their professional photographer captured from the day. But what stole my heart was the video. It began, and I began to cry. It was the most touching thing I have ever seen. I will never be able to hear the song I Had a Dream ever again without having a mental image of all those teachers and wonderful children that stole my heart in Malaysia, on July 11, 2013.
Part of me will always be in Malaysia. SJK ( C ) Tiram, you have my heart.
I got home and turned on my computer and sat for over an hour looking at the pictures their professional photographer captured from the day. But what stole my heart was the video. It began, and I began to cry. It was the most touching thing I have ever seen. I will never be able to hear the song I Had a Dream ever again without having a mental image of all those teachers and wonderful children that stole my heart in Malaysia, on July 11, 2013.
The Lady Who Made This Happen (beside me)
The Team That Made it Happen
Part of me will always be in Malaysia. SJK ( C ) Tiram, you have my heart.
Monday, July 22, 2013
3 Living in the Moment
If we all took a lesson from children and dogs, we would see just how in tune with the world we could be. Look at this group - doing their own thing and without concern of a 1 star or 5 star hotel or anything else that trivial. I love Shayna, she is either looking at her reflection with a jealous eye, thinking she has competition, or wondering how to get out of there before the other dog sees her.
Exit gets more amusing as the days go on
I just received an e-mail from the company that they are proud to offer a room at a hotel near the KL airport for our exit date. As long as we need one. Not really sure what that means, but I looked at the hotel they were offering. It brought back a flood of memories of the journey here. OMG, the hotels we stayed at on the journey to our own states and areas declined in acceptability as the trip progressed. I was so close to just getting back on a plane when I saw the final destination 3 years ago. The only thing that kept me here was that I was travelling with a colleague and kind of felt I could not just ditch the whole thing and leave him alone. I am glad I didn't, but this new offer is in that league. A better place regarding amenities, well maybe better. It touts itself as a room with a 5 star bed at 1 star prices. Eek. But the clincher that made me decide to decline the offer was that I had to rent a towel if I wanted to have a shower. Actually considered having a shower in the morning and using the bed sheet, but maybe I have to provide that too. I will find my own place at the airport and come home to civilization.
What I will miss: again, not much. But new friends and quaint experiences in my community will be missed
What I look forward to: a public restroom that does not leave you with looking like you slogged through ankle deep water, with paper to dry yourself and soap to cleanse yourself
What I will miss: again, not much. But new friends and quaint experiences in my community will be missed
What I look forward to: a public restroom that does not leave you with looking like you slogged through ankle deep water, with paper to dry yourself and soap to cleanse yourself
As I Ramble about everything, here is a tidbit that holds a great deal of truth
How do we define politically correct?
There's an annual contest at the
Griffith University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of
a contemporary term. This year's term was "political correctness".
The winning student wrote: "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered
by a delusional, illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by a mainstream
media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick
up a piece of poo by the clean end."
72 - missed a day
I guess I missed a day because even I thought there was nothing worthy of fingers to keyboard yesterday.
My buddy gave me a bar of soap! That is about the most interesting event in my life yesterday. But nice Ayurveda soap. May not seem like a big deal to you, but good soap is like a good man - very hard to find over here. I have bought into the L'occitaine brand which is not cheap, but does not burn the first layer of skin off like many others. This Ayurveda soap cost a grand total of RM2. Sure wish I had found it 3 years ago.
It is a sad day when all I have to report is the kind of soap I have.
Today, after work, I am meeting the teachers from the big event I did last week. They will hand over the professional video from the event and buy me lunch. The problem, or shall I say, challenge is getting there. I have to travel toward JB town centre from where I am working to get to the restaurant. That is an issue - traffic is insane then. So, I think I found some backroad through a few tamans. A taman is like a nieghbourhood. Each taman here is not interconnected. However, if you are clever, you can often find a trail that gets you from one to another without having to backtrack to the highway. I think I found one for today's trip. If you never see another post here, you know that I have made a mistake and now living in the jungle with baboons and cobras. Only communication will likely be finding a piece of papyrus and writing my memoirs. Maybe I should take my new soap.

It is a sad day when all I have to report is the kind of soap I have.
Today, after work, I am meeting the teachers from the big event I did last week. They will hand over the professional video from the event and buy me lunch. The problem, or shall I say, challenge is getting there. I have to travel toward JB town centre from where I am working to get to the restaurant. That is an issue - traffic is insane then. So, I think I found some backroad through a few tamans. A taman is like a nieghbourhood. Each taman here is not interconnected. However, if you are clever, you can often find a trail that gets you from one to another without having to backtrack to the highway. I think I found one for today's trip. If you never see another post here, you know that I have made a mistake and now living in the jungle with baboons and cobras. Only communication will likely be finding a piece of papyrus and writing my memoirs. Maybe I should take my new soap.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
The Power of One
This speaker tells us how she is transforming the education landscape in India - one child at a time.
When she took a tour of the country and was blown away by the millions of children who do not attend school, and the millions of children who attend school but cannot read, she went home to her kitchen table and drafted a plan of how to make a difference, in a country where it appeared to have indifference toward all these children.
I am playing this video at our Professional Development session this week. I think it is a good video for teachers to watch, and see what obstacles others have in the education field.
When she took a tour of the country and was blown away by the millions of children who do not attend school, and the millions of children who attend school but cannot read, she went home to her kitchen table and drafted a plan of how to make a difference, in a country where it appeared to have indifference toward all these children.
I am playing this video at our Professional Development session this week. I think it is a good video for teachers to watch, and see what obstacles others have in the education field.
When that page opens up, you need to scroll down to item #7
Shukla Bose
Saturday, July 20, 2013
- 73 -
Days do fly by when you let them. Almost 20 have passed since I began the countdown. I sit at the computer, writing and reading. More assignments due the first week of August, and I know that will sneak up on me before I know it. I was up long before the jungle fowl, long before any birds today. But lucky me, I was able to have a Skype visit with my family all gathered together in Canada. While I turned on my computer this morning, I spied from the corner of my left eye, some
cockroach galloping from my open french doors and heading west. Shoot. I saw him squirming in under the screen that blocks nature from my home and make a run for it. I normally re-stick the duct tape each morning when I go to my car, but I have become rather sloppy in that task. Now I pay the price. I have not seen a cockroach since the first day I moved in here. That day I spied 2 and freaked out. Like a banchee, I took the trusty tin of roach spray that I was advised to buy, and wielded it at the varmints becoming a murderer in my own home. Screeching and spraying, I did the deed. Today, this little pony was past me in a blink of an eye. I ran to the kitchen to get the spray and by the time I was back, he had hidden himself. Yuck, I am sure we will meet again some day soon.
What I will miss: not a lot
Well, maybe the heady perfume of my gardenia tree that is filling my nostrils with its exotic scent while it fights with the stench of fertilizer or rotting decayed matter in the open sewers.
My Gua Sha lady Chan, whom I have an appointment with later this morning
Although I am not a big fan of birds, the twitters and calls of these jungle birds is a delight - as long as they stay in the jungle!
What I look forward to: no open sewers festering with decayed matter
no cockroaches
and as always - drivers who actually follow some
semblance of road rules
never having to buy roach spray ever again
I just noticed my pathetic math. Thought I would leave it so you can see I am serious when I say 'don't ever hire me to do anything for you regarding accounting'. MORE than 20 days have passed. I think it is more like 26 days since I began the countdown.

What I will miss: not a lot
Well, maybe the heady perfume of my gardenia tree that is filling my nostrils with its exotic scent while it fights with the stench of fertilizer or rotting decayed matter in the open sewers.
My Gua Sha lady Chan, whom I have an appointment with later this morning
Although I am not a big fan of birds, the twitters and calls of these jungle birds is a delight - as long as they stay in the jungle!
What I look forward to: no open sewers festering with decayed matter
no cockroaches
and as always - drivers who actually follow some
semblance of road rules
never having to buy roach spray ever again
I just noticed my pathetic math. Thought I would leave it so you can see I am serious when I say 'don't ever hire me to do anything for you regarding accounting'. MORE than 20 days have passed. I think it is more like 26 days since I began the countdown.
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