Maybe I have just learned something new. Apparently, there are three traffic lanes in intermittent areas of the highway that I use. One of the lanes tends to be partially in dirt (the one I use), but that does not seem to bother those who are convinced that there is a new centre lane whenever they need one. I have never driven in one of these new centre lanes. I guess you have to feel competitive in order to qualify for that lane. Or insane. I also learned something new yesterday. Apparently, those semis - known as lorries here - have an unwritten rule of the road. I came upon one a couple of days ago that had decided to do a U-turn on the highway, at a curve, so that those of us coming around the curve in 2 or 3 lanes, depending on the drivers, met some jackass taking up all 2 or 3 lanes in kind of a jacknife posture. Were we going to hit him? Not if we wanted to live. What I have been told is these charming drivers have a very low income. They cannot stop if they cause a collision (known here as an accident) because they have no money to pay their deductible. They also have a tight schedule as Hari Raya approaches to get all that food to the starving fasters, because once Hari Raya begins, they are apparently banned from the roadways for the week. Their other motto is I'm big, so I win. You cannot disagree with that one. Maybe none of this would need to be talked about if there was some urban planning, on and off ramps for turning around, and driver education to understand that white dotted lines are not sources of fuel for the car, or decoration to entertain drivers. I am home, and glad I am. I finished early today for once. Now I can see what it looks like in the 'hood before late afternoon - something my neighbour sees on a daily basis. Well, maybe not. She is probably still sawing logs.
Now housecleaning and hit the books.
from the last few days in Canada and forward, you can join me in my thoughts and actions as I learn how to live in a country that I had not even known the exact location until Ryan was there a few years ago. Some days I have rants and other days I have adventures, but every day is a learning experience that I embrace and thank God I was given the opportunity to know and to be. I might even upload a picture of me in this place I now call home – for now.

VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day
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