VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, July 22, 2013

72 - missed a day

I guess I missed a day because even I thought there was nothing worthy of fingers to keyboard yesterday.

My buddy gave me a bar of soap!  That is about the most interesting event in my life yesterday.  But nice Ayurveda soap.  May not seem like a big deal to you, but good soap is like a good man - very hard to find over here.  I have bought into the L'occitaine brand which is not cheap, but does not burn the first layer of skin off like many others.  This Ayurveda soap cost a grand total of RM2.  Sure wish I had found it 3 years ago.

It is a sad day when all I have to report is the kind of soap I have.

Today, after work,  I am meeting the teachers from the big event I did last week. They will hand over the professional video from the event and buy me lunch. The problem, or shall I say, challenge is getting there. I have to travel toward JB town centre from where I am working to get to the restaurant. That is an issue - traffic is insane then. So, I think I found some backroad through a few tamans. A taman is like a nieghbourhood. Each taman here is not interconnected. However, if you are clever, you can often find a trail that gets you from one to another without having to backtrack to the highway. I think I found one for today's trip. If you never see another post here, you know that I have made a mistake and now living in the jungle with baboons and cobras.  Only communication will likely be finding a piece of papyrus and writing my memoirs.  Maybe I should take my new soap.

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