VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

85 - but who's counting

My favourite cafe on the way home is delightful.  I have said it before.  I had to sneak around to take this photograph and did not capture it well. But just to show you how hard they try to accommodate we foreigners, look at this sign.

What the sign indicates is that there is a sink outside on the patio where you can wash your hands. Restaurants over this way do not have washrooms. And believe me, I look for sinks everywhere because your hands always need to be washed.  They have a lovely white porcelain sink with soap and paper towels to use.  The other part of the sign indicates you can smoke on the patio - unlike many other places that allow smokers to light up anywhere.

The message, I guess tried to say too much in one line, so kind of got lost in translation. It says - smoking and place facility provided outside.  Place facility would indicate a place to wash your hands.
Cute! The patio is a wonderful spot to sit, surrounded in palms and tropical leafy plants that shade you from the sun, while a breeze wafts past you constantly, while you sip a Canadiano, at the best price in the world, and the best taste in the country.

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