VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What an Incredible Day! with almost 600 children

Today was the day I did a special project teaching about 600 Year 6 students at SJK ( C ) Tiram.  This school is not one that I visit, but some of the teachers attended a grammar workshop I presented and asked the ministry if I could come to their school to do a presentation for their students.

We did it this morning - I was there until 12:30, because I had to rush to do a professional development seminar for my own mentees in the afternoon.  This morning was the most productive and enjoyable time I have had in Malaysia.  I was completely impressed with the skills and abilities these students performed. That alone is amusing. Their teachers all said - no no, they cannot do what you have planned. I responded that I knew they could if we spent the time together. So, blowing us all away, they did just that.

They brought in a professional photographer, so once he gives me the disc, I will upload something here to give you an idea of the crowd that was there.  They wanted to take me to lunch, but I had to run, so maybe next week we can have a lunch visit together and reminisce the event.  As I was ready to leave, I was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and an even more beautiful silk batik scarf. You can be sure the scarf will be worn - especially when I am ever talking about my Malaysian Adventure.

The scarf is at the right, seems to blend in with the bouquet packaging.

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