VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 4, 2013

89 - wow now into the 80's

My school today is having a sports meet. I have been feeling unwell, so gathered the necessary MC from the doc and staying home to do preparation for next week and getting everything in order for the big 560 Student teaching day on Thursday.  We work on the basis of numbers of hours with the mentees over here in order to justify our existence. Those hours are meant to be modelling teaching and discussing resources. A sports day will not produce that.  I have more than enough mentoring hours with the teachers I missed today, so all is well.  I have discovered that mentors have manipulated this structure. A colleague laid in her bed until today, feigning flu and whatever.  No one seems to check to see if you have seen a doctor, so she gets away with that. Poor girl. She has had the flu about a dozen times since January.  Sure she has.  Now, the second week of doing this scam, she sent a message to me saying - wow, it is already Friday, the week really flew by. I feel great!  My reply - of course it flies by when you spend the week in your bed doing nada.  Then to hide the lack of hours, she plans to go to some school event tomorrow and chalk up all the hours she missed by not working. She is not unique.  Unlike my neighbour who seems to think she works a compressed workweek - which in her interpretation means - not going to work at all. Sawing logs, she is still in bed, and will emerge when the feeding bell rings and gnaws at her more than ample belly. I am no petit lady, but I saw a pair of her jeans hanging on the outdoor drying rack and I thought it was an eiderdown for a queen size bed.  Holy smokes, I didn't know they manufactured denim in that width! It took up the whole drying rack! I know when she goes out. The car groans a loud creak as she plants herself in the carseat. Maybe she is being considerate - saving wear and tear on the vehicle.

Now I await a much loved visit with the family back home.   And hopefully a FaceTime with the family member who is heading his way over there too.

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