Days do fly by when you let them. Almost 20 have passed since I began the countdown. I sit at the computer, writing and reading. More assignments due the first week of August, and I know that will sneak up on me before I know it. I was up long before the jungle fowl, long before any birds today. But lucky me, I was able to have a Skype visit with my family all gathered together in Canada. While I turned on my computer this morning, I spied from the corner of my left eye, some

cockroach galloping from my open french doors and heading west. Shoot. I saw him squirming in under the screen that blocks nature from my home and make a run for it. I normally re-stick the duct tape each morning when I go to my car, but I have become rather sloppy in that task. Now I pay the price. I have not seen a cockroach since the first day I moved in here. That day I spied 2 and freaked out. Like a banchee, I took the trusty tin of roach spray that I was advised to buy, and wielded it at the varmints becoming a murderer in my own home. Screeching and spraying, I did the deed. Today, this little pony was past me in a blink of an eye. I ran to the kitchen to get the spray and by the time I was back, he had hidden himself. Yuck, I am sure we will meet again some day soon.
What I will miss: not a lot
Well, maybe the heady perfume of my gardenia tree that is filling my nostrils with its exotic scent while it fights with the stench of fertilizer or rotting decayed matter in the open sewers.
My Gua Sha lady Chan, whom I have an appointment with later this morning
Although I am not a big fan of birds, the twitters and calls of these jungle birds is a delight - as long as they stay in the jungle!
What I look forward to: no open sewers festering with decayed matter
no cockroaches
and as always - drivers who actually follow some
semblance of road rules
never having to buy roach spray ever again
I just noticed my pathetic math. Thought I would leave it so you can see I am serious when I say 'don't ever hire me to do anything for you regarding accounting'. MORE than 20 days have passed. I think it is more like 26 days since I began the countdown.
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