VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, July 22, 2013

Exit gets more amusing as the days go on

I just received an e-mail from the company that they are proud to offer a room at a hotel near the KL airport for our exit date. As long as we need one. Not really sure what that means, but I looked at the hotel they were offering. It brought back a flood of memories of the journey here. OMG, the hotels we stayed at on the journey to our own states and areas declined in acceptability as the trip progressed. I was so close to just getting back on a plane when I saw the final destination 3 years ago. The only thing that kept me here was that I was travelling with a colleague and kind of felt I could not just ditch the whole thing and leave him alone. I am glad I didn't, but this new offer is in that league. A better place regarding amenities, well maybe better. It touts itself as a room with a 5 star bed at 1 star prices. Eek.  But the clincher that made me decide to decline the offer was that I had to rent a towel if I wanted to have a shower.   Actually considered having a shower in the morning and using the bed sheet, but maybe I have to provide that too.  I will find my own place at the airport and come home to civilization.

What I will miss:  again, not much. But new friends and quaint experiences in my community will be missed

What I look forward to: a public restroom that does not leave you with looking like you slogged through ankle deep water,  with paper to dry yourself and soap to cleanse yourself

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