VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

91 and other stuff

I got an update on my family travellers. Seems Ry is now on land in Myanmar, but could be held up there for as much as 5 more days. Sumi arrived in Vancouver, rented a car at the airport, and is the star of the household with the children vying for her attention.  She is no little shrinking violet. When I talked with Jenn, Sumi had taken her rental car and gone downtown to shop.  Maybe I should learn from her how to make lemonade when the world gives you lemons.  I hope Ry gets there sooner than the 5 or more day anticipated travel time. But if not, I know his lady is in good hands. If you are ever a guest in Jennifer's home, you can be sure that you will be well fed, given everything you need to be comfortable for your stay, and made to feel like one of the family.  And maybe Jennifer will have a break from child rearing while the kids glom onto the houseguest. Apparently, the children have quickly figured out that Sumi is a teacher - so everyone is delighted with her presence.

Here is a photo of the two travellers when they actually were together in Vancouver last year. I hope they get a chance to do some exploring together on this trip.
Ry, I guess as you sit in Myanmar awaiting your exit, the best thing to do is to figure out how to make lemonade.  Cheers to you two - I hope you manage to get a vacation at some point together on this trip!

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