VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, July 12, 2013

July 2013 - 80

I count my blessings. This is the last Ramadan I will experience in a country that celebrates it and tries to live in the 21st century technology.  I constantly try to understand why and how they alter their rules and left this one out.  Dehydration is a serious issue. Especially in a tropical country that is 1degree from the equator. One of the rules for Ramadan are that one does not consume liquid or solids during the 12 hours of the day for the month. Apparently is it to experience what a poor person would experience and to develop empathy - I guess. If their leader dictated this rule it was many, many years ago. Long before two lane freeways and the normal work schedules required today to sustain a family.  I am not happy driving here during ramadan. Just yesterday I dodged a bus, a semi truck, and an oil tanker wandering from one lane to another lane with drivers who cannot keep focused on what they are doing.  I have seen followers of this religion smoking and drinking. That is fine. They are humans. I really wish they would bend the rules a bit in regard to hydration.  I am not sure anyone here realizes the consequences of dehydration and cognitive ability.

Altered Mental Status

A side effect of severe dehydration is confusion and unconsciousness. A person in this state needs emergency medical care. The person with severe dehydration will have a low blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, possibly a fever, extreme weakness and mental confusion.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/109924-side-effects-being-dehydrated/#ixzz2YtEKsPlK

Instead of fasting for the 12 hours a day, would it not be a great gift to the poor to just feed them for that day? For that month? I think it would be a good healthy benefit to everyone. When this rule was first observed, there were no rapid transits in place, no cars, no need to leave one's village. This ceases to be a culture issues. This is a safety issue for everyone from any culture because of life in the 21st century.

I will be a happy lady to be home driving on roads with rules and hydrated people.

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