VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Clam Diggers - 79

Now I know who to take with me If I am sent shopping for dinner. These two young people can dig some fine clams for Nana and it wont cost any more than an afternoon with two awesome little people.
 Holy crow - we're into the 70's now. Clams, sablefish, sockeye salmon, prawns, fish and chips...... all things I look forward to with a healthy appetite. And babysitting.  I think I have babysat maybe 4 or 5 times since Levi was born and he is already 5 years old. What kind of delinquent Nana has that kind of record? Moi.  And the 4 or 5 times were just dashes out so mom could pick something up or get her hair cut.  Well, Ry and I actually babysat once while mom and dad went out to a party.  But that is because we didnt want to go to the party and we were staying at the house. I dont think that one counts. I wonder if I have to take a babysitting course and get a certificate before I am approved? Good thing Kolly is big enough to take off her own diaper. I never was good at that part.

For any ESL teachers - even native speakers have to learn how to frame their sentences - the group here advised they 'found a clam under a hole in the sand'. It constantly amazes me how little people pick up language. Little Kolly confidently tells me everything about her life that day, using a huge vocabulary that just comes pouring out of her little cherub mouth.

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