VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, July 15, 2013

Look Toto - I clicked my heels 3 times and I am still in Malaysia

OMG OMG, I am flying Air Canada.  Do I have anyone's empathy now?

Maybe I am flying. Maybe I will become a permanent resident here.  Some dufus from our company booked a ticket for me. AC does not fly into Malaysia. I go nicely via Cathay Pacific. Then the nightmare begins.  I have to change planes, change airlines in Hong Kong, find a makeshift ticket counter that only AC would erect, get a boarding pass, and then find my way to their gate.  They probably dont really have a gate either.

So, I tried to get assistance between flights. Cathay Pacific cannot do this - the issuer is AC.  I logged onto AC - they accept that I have a ticket and I am who I am, but they wont let me do anything because they 'think' a travel agent booked this ticket.  OMG OMG. Now what?  If I actually find the person who booked this I have to also count on them doing what I want. You have heard my stories of getting information to someone here and having favourable results, right?

Maybe I wont give notice for my rental place just yet. I could be here for a lot longer than I planned.

I promise I will be happy and without complaints if I can just get home without a nightmare journey.

I wonder if I can contact the actors from Star Trek and just get teleported home?

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