VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lets Call it 68

Here are a few pictures I took when I was doing errands yesterday. I had to go to a mall sort of thing to buy a new shower curtain. The humidity or something destroys anything like this in no time. If I had been smart I would have just bought several shower curtains and had them on hand. I didn't.  And now too late.  This should be the last I need for the rest of the time here. The first time one fell apart I had just left the shower and heard some shufffling sound come from the bathroom. I was alone in the house so kinda freaked out hearing it. Gathering my courage, I returned to the bathroom to see what was there. The shower curtain had completely decomposed and torn off from the curtain rings, and laid in a heap below.  I never even move the curtain when I shower, so I have no idea what is in the water that falls on my body that would decompose a plastic curtain to that degree.  yikes.

So, to give you an idea of what ramadan looks like over here, other than food stalls, have a look.
The word SEWA means RENTAL. There are little pockets of amusement centres that pop up wherever there is room. Kind of like a midway attraction at a fair. Sadly, I never see anyone using the services.  Guess the food stalls override amusement.
You have choices for the rental equipment
Knock something over and win a stuffed animal
 Fleet of little car car's that look better than what we drive

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