VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, July 26, 2013

now in the 60's

Today is cleaning day. I gave up yesterday and moved around the squalor, keeping good posture so I would not have to look directly at all the stuff on the tables, floor, and furniture.  The sun is not yet up, so I can get a good start on the day if I just turn off the computer. But then, that would mean I would have to get working on the house.  Just a few more minutes.

I see that the video has had a large number of views. Wouldn't it be hilarious if a video from a little school in the backwoods (jungles) of Malaysia became viral?  On the first day it had 1000+ views.  The teachers who produced the video were happy to allow it to be public.  All others here are unlisted, so this one has definitely increased readership on the blog.

This is not getting work done, so better give in.

What will I miss?  Mangos - yes, and pineapples too. I have never loved pineapples before arriving here. But these little gems are not acidic, completely edible (including the core) and sweet as a candy.

What will I not miss?  I can't think of anything specific right now, but know there is a long list.

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