VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stand By Me

As I fuss over what to do, what to take, what to leave, how to do any of this, what do I do?  I thank God I have internet, and listen to John Lennon.

Stand By Me rings true to me.  I didnt realize he wrote that song when he and Yoko separated.  They reunited, and those words came pouring out of his soul. Thank you John.  I dont have a Yoko in my life, but I have two incredible offpsrings who fight over who will look after mom.  I wonder if they are fighting - saying - you do it you da' the eldest. No - you do it, you da' the man!  Whatever the fight is, they are vying to look after me in my old age. A nice place to be.  Thanks to my two sentries who watch over me making sure I dont go too far off course on adventures as I near old age.We all need someone to stand by.  I hope whoever is reading this has someone standing by them.  If you have never seen the movie - watch it!

So as I get all teary eyed knowing that this chapter is coming to an end, I return to the other John Lennon song that has the same effect on me.  Maybe if I play it often enough it will be again easy to purge all my belongings and move on to something different.  Of course I can. I have done it more than most people have collected possessions.

 I dont have the gift of music. Thank your lucky stars I am singing in my home with the doors closed.

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