VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Floods and Disasters

This is a YouTube that kind of explains to the likes of me what is really going on in the world and why the disasters are happening. I am not a scientific sort, so I probably need an even easier version to understand better. What caught my eye with this video is the fact that I live in SE Asia and see news reports of weather disasters here on a regular basis. My friends back home fell apart when Calgary was flooded in June 2013.  I probably would have as well, but it was difficult for me to be as drawn into it from such a distance, but also because I was watching news reports of India's flooding that outweighed their problems completely. Those N. A. people had no news of India's predicament. Why?  How do we look upon one nation and dismiss their problems so easily when we are faced with inconvenience in our own? I wonder how many people in N.A. know how compromised breathing has been here since the smog index readings reached over API500? A dangerous reading is API100. Now that the worst is over it is completely impossible to get current air quality readings. I guess this place functions on the premise that ignorance is bliss.  Who represents media to make these choices of what we should see and who should see it?  You cannot blame the North Americans for not knowing what is going on in Asia. The world counts on media to bring us the news. For those who have no idea where Calgary Alberta is, it is about 1000 km inland from the west coast of Canada. The photography looks much like a tsunami raged through the city. Not exactly a tsunami zone that far inland.

The video is an explanation of geoengineering. Like I said, I really don't comprehend this arm of science, but the video gives me a clearer picture.  Yes, one side of the argument, but good to see there is someone presenting that side.

Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of a planet's environment by the addition or subtraction of a resource or energy input on a massive scale.

Proposed geoengineering projects on Earth, often introduced as a means of combating climate change , have included space mirrors, sulfur-spraying in the stratosphere, cloud seeding and oceanic carbon sequestration .

Calgary Flood

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