VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

76 I beat the rain and the insane

Just in the door and the clouds opened up over Malaysia. Nice to occasionally beat the downpour and even bonus when I was ahead of those dehydrated.  I try very hard to not be on the highways when the food bell is nearing.  Everyone drives erratically and are only focused on the soup de jour et al.

I talked far too long with a colleague. I guess that happens when you enjoy the company, Now that alone is an oxymoron.  Colleague + enjoy company?  But it is true. I will miss our visits but not enough to not go home, even if it is via tincanair.

A faithful reader told me this morning that she waits by her iPhone to read the latest entry. She tells me that what she reads gives a good understanding of what my experiences are. Good.  That was the intention initially. But it seems to have become my diary to diffuse frustration and whatnot.

Today I bought Ry a birthday present, and then saw a blouse that I know Jenn will love. I tried the blouse on and the clerk told me I had to have it. I know, the colour is perfect. But I have enough clothes and Jenn is a clone of moi, so it will look even more fabulous on her.  Now better get gifts ready to mail.  I have enough to cart home with me. Although Ry's birthday is over this way - well I guess it is everywhere, but he will be over in this part of the globe on the day; but still it's far enough to send in the mail.

What I will miss:  British India Shop

What I will look forward to:  Thanksgiving with my family shortly after I get home

And now a quote by my favourite poet, to inspire me regarding the rain:

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