VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 11, 2013

81 more days of adventure for the stubble jumper

No, 81 is not my age - although I felt like it was when the day ended last night. Now- revived with some sleep, I guess I feel a couple of years younger than that.  Friday - a day to get past and then the weekend. I actually have an e-ticket so it feels more like this stubble jumper's adventure is coming to a close. Mixed feelings - a bit - but the pull to family and home win that battle.

The two pictures here are from the big teaching gig yesterday.  I must have been insane thinking I could teach nearly 600 children for an entire morning. But if so, then insane people do well. The entire morning was a delight for everyone.  After about ten minutes, the children lost their shyness and participated fully in everything.  The group shot shows you just how much they wanted to show off their work. Hands up were for those who still wanted to come up on the stage and read what they had written by the end of the class. The little girl on her own won the competition hands down. All I expected of the teams was to write a short paragraph using 5 types of sentences from the word list they created.  She wrote a novel. I had to quickly figure out a special category prize. She is waving it in her hand. Yes, that is serious sweat glistening on my silk blouse, face and hair.

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