VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, July 6, 2013

87 - time marches quickly

It is still dark out, but I am getting ready to meet some former mentees at Rosemerah before they head off to their tutorial in JB.  I keep procrastinating - I really would like to go to one of those just out of curiosity. Maybe next month. That will be the last opportunity before I head off in the big silver bird.  They supposedly offer tutorials for MA students too, except they are not offered. I dont know what that means, but I dont ask. I pick my battles.  Last week I spent a couple of hours coaching one of my mentees who is also in the B Ed program with these two. I am not sure how she will do with the recent assignment. She did not understand the questions. However, with my expert coaching, I think I got her to a place where she can now answer the questions. We will see.

Then, at the end of the day, I am going to meet a lovely lady who assisted me in the book shop a few months ago. She translated my question, which finally got me some photocopying done. After that she asked if we could be friends. Then, every time she called me I could not even talk - I was working. Finally yesterday, I felt guilty and knew I would like to have a visit with her before I left, at least to explain that I was not avoiding her, just working way too much. Today we shall visit at the local place - not my ultra favourite, but the local one what serves me CW8 (which is the code for the frozen ice blend coffee thing). Thank God for my blackberry. I keep all information like this, including the Malay word for many vegetables I try to find the in grocery shops - and then point the entry at the clerk. It works. I can usually find what I want using this system. Cilantro has been pulled out of the back of the shop on a regular basis for me using this one. Before that, I could never get cilantro  ANYWHERE. Everyone knows I want CW8, so they begin preparation when they hear my car engine stop.  And of course - I think I deserve a nice indulgent hair wash too.  Somewhere in the hours of the day I have to clean my home and do some work on assignments.

Busy day.

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