Driving today was one of
those days
I decided I need to write it down - then let it go - otherwise it will gnaw at me forever.
Heading to work this morning was a heavy traffic day on the highway. There is no pattern, so one just discovers it is a heavy day or light day (those are infrequent) and just goes with the flow. Or at least tries to. This morning, coming upon a full curve on the highway with both lanes buzzing along, I was in the slow land and arrived at a large gravel truck fully stopped around the curve. I always anticipate such thing - the other drivers do not. Behind me, crawling up the backseat of my car was an oil tanker. I kept hitting my brakes, no response from him, so I turned on my flashers. Finally he realized all was stopped ahead, but no room to navigate to the other lane. So, deciding it was easier to hit me than sides of the other cars, he aimed for me. I squeezed my sorry a** into a small space between me and 'nothing' and managed to only feel the wind caused by his closeness to my driver side door. The sideview mirror was removed in his action, but better than 'me' I guess. He moved along as if nothing had happened and never looked back. All other near misses were fairly uneventful compared to that one. And, jeepers, it is not even Ramadan yet.

I continue to be amazed at the lack of comprehension of what to do when approaching an intersection where the lights are not working. Maybe that is because it is so darn frequent an event, they just ignore lights altogether. That was the situation today on the way home. Having to stop in at the Pos Laju - which is a crap shoot of will it deliver tomorrow or at all, I came to such an intersection. No lights, and everyone darting through the intersection oblivious of anyone else who might have the same idea. Again, coming in from a highway, I was stopped waiting for a chance to make a right turn. Again, every zombie in the country trying to drive into my back seat. I wiggled my way through the mess, posted the packet and counted my blessings. I survived another insane day and made it home.
Maybe this is what they visualize at an intersection |
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